38 Grand-Place, 1000 Bruxelles
Open everyday from 11am to 5pm
Coffees : 3€ – 5€
Mocktails : 7€
Pastries : 2€ – 4,50€
Hotspots are slowly starting to take over our downtown neighborhood, and we couldn’t be happier. It’s not that we don’t like strawberries dipped in chocolate or anything, but we had to admit that the Grand-Place, and all the streets around it, weren’t really what you could call an area for foodies.
Well today it’s all about the Grand-Place. And Charly and Loïc, who we’ve been following for a while now.
We wouldn’t be exaggerating if we actually said that Belga & Co played a huge part in our personal journey into specialty coffee. Today, we drink their coffee on a daily basis, whether it’s a their Bailly location, blocking a table for the whole day (sorry Charly), or at home, in our kitchen. We’ve become quite the addicts, and we make sure to never run out of our very needed dose for the day.
But it’s not just about their coffee. We’ve come to like running into them while shopping at the antique fair in Waterloo – back when it still existed -, or chatting about custom-made wooden benches with Charly. These two have taste, do things with style, and always put all of their heart into any of their projects. In this third venue, we directly fell in love with the old paintings, revealed when their started the renovations works – reminding us of the spirit of typical cafés from Brussels.
Who would have thought they’d open a café right in the middle of Grand-Place? Not them, that’s for sure. If you would have told them six years ago they’d have three coffee bars by now, they would have merely smiled. Well today we’re the ones smiling, and we know exactly where we’ll be picking up our coffee to go next time we’re headed to Noordzee for shrimp croquettes.