chaussée de charleroi 203
1060 Saint-Gilles
0477 98 66 63
du mercredi au lundi
de 8h à 18h
The rain and the cold came without knocking, taking over the city by surprise. Thankfully, Brussels is a city just as beautiful on the inside, and the places we love rushing in when the rain comes pouring just keep on opening. At least it’s the case for Jackie, which we only discovered recently, as Autumn was already settling in. Watching the rain on the window by the little counter, we couldn’t take our eyes off the shelf filled with the greatest selection of magazines. We recognized a few – Monocle, Kinfolk, Les Others – and discovered many more. Kiliane, the owner, told us about Delayed Gratification, the magazine who claims loudly to be the last to talk about the news, taking a step back and giving a brilliant analysis like no other. She then told us about Drift, the magazine for all coffee lovers, for which each tome is dedicated to a city and its coffee culture, through amazing photos and interviews. The we got lost in Apartamento, browsing through some of the most inspiring apartments you’d dream living in.
But you’d sure like to drink something with that, wouldn’t you? To be honest, we almost forgot that was the initial reason we were here, captivated as we were by all the amazing stuff to read. It would’ve been a shame, though. Our oat milk cappuccino didn’t come alone, we ordered some cannelés with it, which were by far the bests I’ve had in my whole life. So good, that I came back the next morning, just for them. Unfortunately for me, they’re closed on Tuesday. But fortunately for you, they’re opened every single other day of the week.