Last sunday, we went to Brussels Midi Market. Beyond those excellent moroccan pancakes, they also sell tons of different flowers, fruits and vegetables. And not just any vegetable. We bought those really small and tasty white zucchinis with their flowers still attached for 3 euros/ kg. A bit further we saw a guy selling an entire case with about thirty flowered zucchinis for only 6 euros.
One thing’s for sure, this is the best place to buy your veggies!
the recipe
Sorry about that, we were inspired for this one, and don’t have any quantities.
– ricotta cheese
– amaretti biscuit crumbles
– lemon juice
– salt and pepper
– a garlic clove
Open the flower carefully and cut and remove the pistil. Fill the flower with a little spoon and close it with a toothpick. Dispose them in a dish for the oven, with a bit of olive oil, and sea-salt. Cook for about twenty minutes, checking. And tatataa!
The sauce / filling was pretty good heated, and we felt like we wanted more for the zucchini itself, so heat a bit more separately and that should do it.