The first time we heard about Swet was through Thibault’s Tortures Tests. The name had already managed to arouse our curiosity, and after seeing them everywhere on social media, one day, out of nowhere, Thibault reached out to us and said, “would you like to try the tortu test”.
Of course we did. We live for spicy food, and praise homemade and artisanal produce. And Thibault’s range of Swet sauces are just that.
The concept of the Torture Test: two hours together with Thibault, tasting one by one, a dozen of his Swet sauces, taking care to write down everything – flavors, association ideas, spiciness scale, feedback – on a sheet of paper.
Before coming over, Thibault told me he’d bring milk, and bread too. And we’re glad he did. Thanks to him, we were able taste and appreciate each sauce, fully.
As the bottle of milk emptied, we started to fall in love. Ever since that test, our favorite sauces are proudly displayed in our cupboard, away from the light but never far from the kitchen.
For the record, Thibault loves to eat ultra hot and spicy food, while his girlfriend does not. So naturally, he gradually turned to hot sauces, so he could add them to his plate as he pleased. And that’s when he realized it was impossible to find something truly good and at the same time both homemade, local and organic.
That’s how Swet was born just about a year ago: Thibault started making his own hot sauces, and hasn’t stopped since. In his workshop, everything is homemade, from start to finish, and some of his peppers are even grown on the roofs of Brussels.
What we particularly like is the seasonality of the Swet sauces. Like the latest one made with wild garlic, already a must-have.
If, like us, you really want to try it but don’t know which sauce to start with, Thibault has given us his ultimate favorites, to be found on the Frichti market, of course.
– The Fumado, because it’s both the sexiest and the most accessible. It’s great on anything, but it’s even more special for vegans – on fried tofu for example – to give that little smoky taste that reminds a bit of meat.
– The Pear for Tears, which he specially designed to go with French and Belgian dishes, and whose subtle balance works just as well with our Waterzooi as with blanquette or pâté de campagne. The bonus: it was made with the ugliest pears in the world, which give it a unique taste like no other.
– And finally the SUN BURN, to satisfy any need for exoticism – it works wonderfully with roast chicken, Garam Massala or ceviche.