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The first day I spent in Warsaw, the weather was shitty. The sky was grey-white, there was the faintest rain, not enough to carry and umbrella, but way enough to ruin my good mood. And it wasn’t even that cold.
Well yeah, I think I would have liked it more if it had been colder. And snowing.

Anyways, except grumbling all day, I still did discover pretty cool things.
The old part of the city is quite cute, with its christmas market and the colored houses surrounding the marketplace. Besides that, you get a clear feeling that the country hasn’t completely recovered from what it went through during their communist period, when you look at the empty and grey boulevards and the sad landscapes.

And yet, behind all this annoying rain and grey sky, are hidden tons of wonderful spots.
My dad, who’s been living there for a while, showed us some of them…

U Kucharzy

U Kucharzy, which simply means “the chefs”, is a typical polish restaurant located in the former hotel kitchen of the Europekski Hotel. The place is known to make the best steak tartare of Warsaw, cut with the knife and prepared before your eyes, which is the whole point of this place. You eat in the kitchen, so you get to watch all the preparation process of the most diverse dishes. A real pleasure which can only make you more hungry.
They have a huge menu, but you can also come here for the daily special, served for the very very reasonable price of 5 euros, with starter, main course, and dessert, and to drink with, a sort of cranberry juice is offered. Here, you won’t find no steamed vegetables, but plates of schnitzel, mashed potatoes and cabbage, generously served in front of you, from the pan to your plate, or vegetables soups to keep you warm during the harsh polish winter.
Here, we took the lunch, but from what I had the chance to observe while I was there, I definitely won’t be missing out on the rest of the menu, next time I visit Warsaw.
An obligatory stop in Warsaw then, in that already famous restaurant.

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Ici, tout le monde est joli. Quand on pousse la porte, on entre dans une sorte de Pain Quotidien à la française, d’ailleurs nommé Charlotte, où le pain et toutes les pâtisseries sont faites maison.

Mais on y trouve aussi plein de trucs salés, quiches, toast ou croques, et on y vient également pour boire un verre de vin.
Bref, c’est le genre d’établissement ouvert toute la journée et qui ne désemplit pas, où il fait bon passer une après midi pluvieuse (ou bruineuse), à grignoter un peu de tout, et à ne plus vraiment savoir si on est venu manger midi, prendre un gouter ou ah merde, il est déjà 8h.
Et tout ça pour rien, ou en tout cas pas grand chose. Voyez vous-même la carte, les prix sont à diviser par 4 pour avoir en euros.

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